The War Against Christianity
Antonio Gramsci was one of the founders of the Italian Communist Party. And his writings strongly influenced the Marxists of America.
Vladimir Lenin liked to use violence to overthrow existing governments. But Gramsci came up with the idea of capturing their cultures instead. American Marxists have fully implemented Gramsci’s strategy of replacing Christianity with Socialism. Gramsci said:
“Socialism is precisely the religion that must overwhelm Christianity. . . . In the new order, Socialism will triumph by first capturing the culture via infiltration of schools, universities, churches and the media by transforming the consciousness of society.”
Joseph Buttigieg was an English professor at Notre Dame. He translated Antonio Gramsci’s Prison Notebooks into English. He was President of the International Gramsci Society. And he was the father of Pete Buttigieg, Secretary of Transportation under the Biden administration.
Joseph Goebbels was the Minister of Propaganda for the Nazis during World War II. And this was how he described their religious beliefs:
“What does Christianity mean today? National Socialism is a religion. All we lack is a religious genius capable of uprooting outmoded religious practices and putting new ones in their place.
We lack traditions and ritual. One day soon National Socialism will be the religion of all Germans. My party is my church, and I believe I serve the Lord best if I do his will, and liberate my oppressed people from the fetters of slavery. That is my gospel.
The war we are fighting until victory or the bitter end is in its deepest sense a war between Christ and Marx. Christ: the principle of love. Marx: the principle of hate.”